Saturday, October 11, 2008

What the Hell?!? Jaws The Revenge

So I got together with some friends the other night for an evening of beer and movies and general steam venting after another collective crappy week. The theme for the evening was Franchise Killers, and first up was JAWS IV a/k/a JAWS the Revenge -- a film I hadn't seen since I forked over at the Box Office, and as the DVD reached the absolutely hilarious climax where the shark jumps out of the water and is harpooned on the end of the boat, vomits up a copious amount of blood, until the boat breaks apart, and then our latest rendition of Bruce -- a/k/a the Shark that Roared -- slowly sinks beneath the waves, fade to happy ending etc. etc. etc...I put my beer down and braced myself for the high hilarity. Roar, baby. Roar!

So, imagine my surprise when THIS happened instead:

What the hell?!? Did that shark just f@#%ing explode?!? Did I miss the part where they nitro-tipped the boat? What? Was that a rare strain of Great White: Carcharodon carcharias goboomski.
Did she blow it up with her brain? Oh. My. God. And Shit on stick. I call SHENNANIGANS!! on the whole damn thing.

This is what the original ending looked like (I apologize for the quality; best I could find):

What? did they think the explodey shark was a better ending than that? For shame, Universal. Shame the hell on you.

1 comment:

BillyWitchDoctor said...

Psh. Not only does the new ending hand us an exploding shark out of nowhere, Mario Van Peebles' character (devoured several minutes earlier) somehow pops up afterwards, injured but alive. He survives being eaten AND being blown up!

Covered extensively in Jabootu's review, BTW.