Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Tuneage Tuesdays: 7/1

Got into one of those bar arguments that you can only have in a bar after you've been slinging them back for several hours a few weeks ago, and the topic for this heated discussion, actually usurped from nearby table, was "Who was the greatest American Rock and Roll band?" And after giggling at the other table's conclusion that it was either The Rolling Stones or Led Zeppelin, my friend Dale and I commenced to comprise a true list of Yankee thunder and twangers. When the dust settled, and it was depressing how hard it was to come up with ten worthy contestants, we were deadlocked on who was number one. Dale thought it was Aerosmith, while I said it was The Ramones. There songs are too short, he said. They hadn't done shit since Permanent Vacation, I said. Dale argued that my choice didn't have enough commercial success, while I argued his band should be penalized several spots -- if not outright banned from the list, for that frakkin' love theme from Armageddon. His foundation weakened, I proceeded to destroy it by saying if we used his criteria of success then the greatest American band ever was either The Monkees or N'Synch.

Game. Set. Match.

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