Saturday, May 10, 2008

Feeling Good.

Finally! After a couple weeks of building, tweaking and fine-tuning, I managed to at last publish a massive update for all my sister sites. Micro-Brewed Reviews is finally a go, and Scenes from the Morgue is chugging along and shaping up far better than I thought possible.

I had hoped to have an official 3B Theater update to add to the mash-up, but I just couldn't quite bring together the reviews for Tony Rome and The Lady in Cement. The more I dug, the more I found a solid connection between the careers of star Sinatra, director Gordon Douglass and pulp writer Marvin Albert on whose books the films were based. Wasn't satisfied with the initial write-up, or the second, so we're gonna let that one sit on the back-burner for awhile until I can take one final run at it.

So for now, enjoy a few new reviews and a few rehashed and refurbished reviews over at 3B Theater.

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